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- A girl at my job got a bite from a dog today and the dog may be put down
I work at a doggy day care and boarding place as a shift supervisor .
A little backstory about this dog. She is an old dog, and has always been very sweet with everyone. She is a smaller dog, no more than 30 pounds. The girl (who is honestly a borderline mentally challenged girl) says the dog started a fight with another dog and she seperated them (by hand, which we are not supposed to do, we are supposed to go for the hose and spray dogs in the event of a fight) and then tried to make the older dog sit down again with her hands , which we are again not supposed to do and the dog bit her on the elbow. The wound was seriously minor, 3 puncture wounds of small size and not even bleeding. So i had her wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide and soap and water and bandaged it using the first aid kit we keep on site. Seriously, she was absolutely fine. This dog had no history of violence whatsoever and i seriously doubt her story is accurate. The cameras caught the incident but because of the angle its very hard to determine what really happened. Now after she went to the f***ing hospital for workmans comp and i heard from my manager that animal control is coming to get the info of where she lives. We live in NC and i heard that they are very strict in our city about dog bites and this dog could be euthanized. She was probably just scared by another dog as she is VERY docile and just spends most of her time lying in the sun in the outdoor play yard. Some dogs at play probably just ran into her and she snapped at them in a "hey watch out for me" gesture and knowing the girl she probably went against policy and put her hands on dog right after and she just got a fear bite. From the wound its obvious the dog bit and immediately released her, and yes a stressed out dog may nip out of fear. All our dogs are up to date on their vacs and again this wound did not warrant a trip tp the hospital. But now animal control wants this dog amd we're all freaked out they might put her down over this one incident as there are horror stories where we live about that sort of thing. Can they seriously put down a good dog with no history of violence over one incident that didnt even result in a serious injury or are we all frealed out over nothing? Even my manager was freaking out which gives me a cause for concern. Seriously this is a sweet dog who just lays out in the sun and loves getting belly rubs. TLDR: A girl got a very minor bite from a dog with no history of violence and now animal control is looking for the dog, and we're worried she might be euthanized. |
Update: the dog was put down
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