April 22, 2017

boston massachusetts 0-KJF3

xOmniCloudx 16 hours ago#22
IntrepidTyke posted...
Damn. What city do you live in?

Boston. It's a college city (one of the best in the world actually) with law, medicine, engineering, and business being our biggest fields (unless you include teaching given there's like 3 schools every block lol) and there's a s*** ton of start ups here. 

The average age of people here is early 30s, it has nearly 700 million people in it and the male to female statistic here is nearly 3:1 in favor of women. We're also top 3 thinnest places in the US and in line with the averages found in most of Europe (which for most countries is WAY lower than in the US). Fashion and style are also big deal in this city as it's nearly impossible to go in the city and not find countless women in the hottest trends regardless of the time of the year. Fat people stand out here and are the minority. Anybody excessively huge is just not that common a sighting even in the lower income neighborhoods. I'd say the average Boston is more average sized than thin though.

Riding the T (our transit system which is a BIG deal for how most of the city travels around even for drivers due to how impractical driving is in most of the city) and going to one of the 30 shopping meccas (there's so many of them here that having a downtown is pointless) or going to the business sector has you find all of the stuck up chicks that make good money, know they look good and are wearing designer everything, namely the heels and handbags. Being a guy in Boston is INCREDIBLE due to the high ass quality of options you have but on the reverse, women are screwed since they have far less options here lol.

I thought this was the norm since it was all I knew until I started interacting with more of the country, traveling and realized that Boston and much of the Northeast are statistical outliers of the US in that regard. Really, only places like LA, Miami, Vegas and New York City would outright beat us (seriously, it's model central in those other places) with us beating everyone else in the country. That's why I sound ungrateful or to have ridiculously high standards but really, it's just that the quality where I am is amazing so I've been spoiled from the beginning lol. Also, Boston is VERY diverse so you can date anything you want and I've seen nearly every IR pair there is here. Most everywhere else in the US is something like rural or just super suburban, have far less people (usually no more than 50K with only a couple of thousand not being rare either) are typically more aged and no where near as diverse (if at all at times).

I mean, it's amazing that I can do something like go on the bus or train and within 15 minutes be surrounded by hundreds of women from 18-36 that are on average 6.5s with anything higher coming inevitably within another few minutes. In fact, I have taken the T as opposed to walking, bike riding or driving just for the chance of interacting with more women and I've met some cool chicks and guys as a result.

However, given how competitive the city is even the average or slightly lower than average chicks have b**** shields and high standards themselves given they're often well educated and have a great or promising career so, unsurprisingly they want a guy to exceed them in those categories which is not an easy feat given how well off many of them are in those areas. It wasn't as bad in grades 1-12 schools plus the schools here are commonly in the 1000 student range so you're always surrounded by a lot of people.

All that being said, it's not hard to find average or busted chicks here either although they mostly populate the lower income areas (Boston is expensive as f*** to live in being top 3 most expensive places to live in the US and also a world ranker for most expensive cities). In any society the less attractive people are going to be the majority. Also, taste is a huge factor as well.
This is GameFAQs. People here take great pride in ignoring common sense.
(edited 16 hours ago)

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