May 24, 2017

Pokemon Waifus 2

  1. Boards
  2. Pokemon Sun
  3. I feel so bad for Tajiri and Masuda :/
CuterChihuahua2 posted...
TheMaskedBane posted...

but that is fault of kiddos thinking bw story was anything above trash not ohmori

At least BW story is just ok and has no coerced waifus. As lame as N is, at least he is 100x times more interesting and better done than the trash pretext for villains that Guzma and Lusamine are.

Ghost_61636 posted...
I'm just gonna come out and say that Pokémon Sun and Moon are my favorite games yet and all the new changes to gameplay and story development are amazing. I hope he directs the new games too, the others are stale already.

The forced waifu style of Ohmori is already stale and it's only been 1 game and a half. You are in for a rude awakening if you expect his next game to be good.

GiftedACIII posted...
TC, this is a lesson that the best way to get ahead in life is to appeal to the hearts of shmucks everywhere. With your writing skills you could be able to do the same. So rather than waste your time futilely trying to convince randoms who are just here to kill time that the way the world works is wrong you should put those skills to the real world and grab money from shmucks yourself.

Indeed. Pandering to normies is why the quality of media across the board is rapidly decreasing. It's sad that creators with artistic integrity that don't want to pander to the masses are in the minority. The saddest part is how normies don't want to accept how they are only viewed as cattle for consumption, and they convince themselves that the media they are force fed is "good", lol.

CloverKitten posted...
Nabiki_Tendo posted...
the sales speak

And they say that SM sold similarly to other recent Pokemon games, which is pretty embarrassing considering all the attention the franchise got with GO and the 20th anniversary hype.

Yep, people don't buy games because they are good, they buy games because of marketing. Sun Moon got a lucky spike in sales because they pandered to the normies, sadly many of them came out disappointed when they realized they bought a waifu simulator and not a pokemon game. Their trust in the franchise is forever destroyed, so the "good" sales of SuMo is just a pyrric victory.

fairyl posted...
Sorry but LIllie is not my waifu so this thread is wrong

It's not your choice to make, Ohmori already decided for you before hand to love and worship Lillie as the perfect being she supposedly is.

As this forum's number 1 Gen 5 Fan, I find the bolded comment worthy of sin.

Close your account. Guzma is a f***ing saint.
Official Genesect of the Pokemon Sun Boards! 
Gen 5 is the Best Gen in my opinion but if you feel otherwise, no big. FC: 3239-2488-3863
ZeraX7 posted...
Arne83 posted...
Hey. Here's an idea. Instead of constantly b****ing about A f***ING VIDEO GAME why not use that time doing something actually useful?

Ironically, you are angry and overreacting over A f***ING VIDEO GAME discussion topic

The classic catch-22 defense for making bad topics right here. People are free to make s***ty complaining topics but call them out and somebody always has to point out "the irony" instead of the actual s***poster kind of like how whenever anybody is actually trolling people have this tendency to egg them on or claim how funny they are no matter how lazy their s***posting but when somebody just has an opinion that conflicts with the majority one people claim they are "trolling" if anyone catches my drift.
(message deleted)
Well maybe they should stop doing silent "avatars"
Reading internet jokes-
Reading a poorly written argument-
Tails 64 1 day ago#105
I'll admit it: you made me laugh, TC. Good job! ^_^ - My advice for surviving college and writing academically - My YouTube channel
Arne83 1 day ago#106
Kaioshin Sama posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
Arne83 posted...
Hey. Here's an idea. Instead of constantly b****ing about A f***ING VIDEO GAME why not use that time doing something actually useful?

Ironically, you are angry and overreacting over A f***ING VIDEO GAME discussion topic

The classic catch-22 defense for making bad topics right here. People are free to make s***ty complaining topics but call them out and somebody always has to point out "the irony" instead of the actual s***poster kind of like how whenever anybody is actually trolling people have this tendency to egg them on or claim how funny they are no matter how lazy their s***posting but when somebody just has an opinion that conflicts with the majority one people claim they are "trolling" if anyone catches my drift.

s*** like this is why I hate this site.
""Maturity" is an illusion." -Endgame
NNID: Arne83
Well, if I were Tajiri or Masuda I'd get the spooks every so often pondering the monster I created, but that's just me.

RoyalDroneX posted...
Tappor posted...

>praising masuda when he single handedly created gen 5 and ruined oras

ironic since Masuda said he HATED having to remake R/S/E but had to because of fan feedback

Wait what?

Enjoyed the final product more than I expected to regardless.
(edited 1 day ago)quote
Jesus this is probably the most cringeworthy topic I have read all day....and that is saying something on gamefaqs...
Arne83 posted...
Kaioshin Sama posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
Arne83 posted...
Hey. Here's an idea. Instead of constantly b****ing about A f***ING VIDEO GAME why not use that time doing something actually useful?

Ironically, you are angry and overreacting over A f***ING VIDEO GAME discussion topic

The classic catch-22 defense for making bad topics right here. People are free to make s***ty complaining topics but call them out and somebody always has to point out "the irony" instead of the actual s***poster kind of like how whenever anybody is actually trolling people have this tendency to egg them on or claim how funny they are no matter how lazy their s***posting but when somebody just has an opinion that conflicts with the majority one people claim they are "trolling" if anyone catches my drift.

s*** like this is why I hate this site.

Are you agreeing with him or?

And yeah. I had to actually explain what real trolling was to some dude the other day because they think getting a post not even related to the topic is a successful troll, than actually getting someone to argue the troll bait and get modded/banned in the process. You know, real trolling and not this "sign my topic like a guestbook lolz you fell for itz even though you're the one making ME look stupid"/of you have a different opinon, you must be trolling" bull s***.
3DS Friend Code:0044 4173 2062
IGN: Is Abram/Abe.....Friend Safari: Steel - Klang/Magneton/Klefki Gen 6 TSV: 1607 GEN 7 TSV: 3556
Arne83 1 day ago#110
PkmTrainerAbram posted...
Arne83 posted...
Kaioshin Sama posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
Arne83 posted...
Hey. Here's an idea. Instead of constantly b****ing about A f***ING VIDEO GAME why not use that time doing something actually useful?

Ironically, you are angry and overreacting over A f***ING VIDEO GAME discussion topic

The classic catch-22 defense for making bad topics right here. People are free to make s***ty complaining topics but call them out and somebody always has to point out "the irony" instead of the actual s***poster kind of like how whenever anybody is actually trolling people have this tendency to egg them on or claim how funny they are no matter how lazy their s***posting but when somebody just has an opinion that conflicts with the majority one people claim they are "trolling" if anyone catches my drift.

s*** like this is why I hate this site.

Are you agreeing with him or?

I... think so? If they're saying what I think they're saying, yes.
""Maturity" is an illusion." -Endgame
NNID: Arne83
PkmTrainerAbram posted...
Arne83 posted...
Kaioshin Sama posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
Arne83 posted...
Hey. Here's an idea. Instead of constantly b****ing about A f***ING VIDEO GAME why not use that time doing something actually useful?

Ironically, you are angry and overreacting over A f***ING VIDEO GAME discussion topic

The classic catch-22 defense for making bad topics right here. People are free to make s***ty complaining topics but call them out and somebody always has to point out "the irony" instead of the actual s***poster kind of like how whenever anybody is actually trolling people have this tendency to egg them on or claim how funny they are no matter how lazy their s***posting but when somebody just has an opinion that conflicts with the majority one people claim they are "trolling" if anyone catches my drift.

s*** like this is why I hate this site.

Are you agreeing with him or?

And yeah. I had to actually explain what real trolling was to some dude the other day because they think getting a post not even related to the topic is a successful troll, than actually getting someone to argue the troll bait and get modded/banned in the process. You know, real trolling and not this "sign my topic like a guestbook lolz you fell for itz even though you're the one making ME look stupid"/of you have a different opinon, you must be trolling" bull s***.

Trolling as I used to understand meant something more like playing a prank on people or leading them on cleverly in a direction before eventually springing the ultimate surprise on them in front of everybody. Now it just kind of means essentially the same thing as spam which is why I prefer the term s***posting for what people do now. Just make a bunch of low quality s***ty obvious fake opinion topics that come in preset template memes to annoy people and then have a bunch of equally annoying people with little to contribute post their reaction meme variants of thisbait.jpg. Also people that grew up with social media seem to think it's the coolest s*** in the world to be a part of and just how you're supposed to talk on the internet rather than an occasional tangent. Really the problem is that "trolling" or rather spam is the dominant form of interaction on the internet now. Similar to an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, a s***post for a s***post makes the whole world mute.
(edited 1 day ago)quote
Arne83 1 day ago#112

What happened to the effort? Damn kids and their lack of passion.
""Maturity" is an illusion." -Endgame
NNID: Arne83
Kaioshin Sama posted...
PkmTrainerAbram posted...
Arne83 posted...
Kaioshin Sama posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
Arne83 posted...
Hey. Here's an idea. Instead of constantly b****ing about A f***ING VIDEO GAME why not use that time doing something actually useful?

Ironically, you are angry and overreacting over A f***ING VIDEO GAME discussion topic

The classic catch-22 defense for making bad topics right here. People are free to make s***ty complaining topics but call them out and somebody always has to point out "the irony" instead of the actual s***poster kind of like how whenever anybody is actually trolling people have this tendency to egg them on or claim how funny they are no matter how lazy their s***posting but when somebody just has an opinion that conflicts with the majority one people claim they are "trolling" if anyone catches my drift.

s*** like this is why I hate this site.

Are you agreeing with him or?

And yeah. I had to actually explain what real trolling was to some dude the other day because they think getting a post not even related to the topic is a successful troll, than actually getting someone to argue the troll bait and get modded/banned in the process. You know, real trolling and not this "sign my topic like a guestbook lolz you fell for itz even though you're the one making ME look stupid"/of you have a different opinon, you must be trolling" bull s***.

Trolling as I used to understand meant something more like playing a prank on people or leading them on cleverly in a direction before eventually springing the ultimate surprise on them in front of everybody. Now it just kind of means essentially the same thing as spam which is why I prefer the term s***posting for what people do now. Just make a bunch of low quality s***ty obvious fake opinion topics that come in preset template memes to annoy people and then have a bunch of equally annoying people with little to contribute post their reaction meme variants of thisbait.jpg. Also people that grew up with social media seem to think it's the coolest s*** in the world to be a part of and just how you're supposed to talk on the internet rather than an occasional tangent. Really the problem is that "trolling" or rather spam is the dominant form of interaction on the internet now. Similar to an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, a s***post for a s***post makes the whole world mute.

nobody really 'trolls' on this board, we're all s***posters
ravioli ravioli whatever you know who I am
ZeraX7 1 day ago#114
I'm seriously lost. Did all that happen because I said someone is overreacting over this thread?
The Best Pokemon ->
Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
ZeraX7 posted...
I'm seriously lost. Did all that happen because I said someone is overreacting over this thread?

Yes now get back on topic! All this text is horrible to scroll through.
Ohmori is a waifu god and nothing else. He created Lillie.
4785-9460-3206 ign: Amrit
My life is validated by my Primarina.
Arne83 posted...
PkmTrainerAbram posted...
Arne83 posted...
Kaioshin Sama posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
Arne83 posted...
Hey. Here's an idea. Instead of constantly b****ing about A f***ING VIDEO GAME why not use that time doing something actually useful?

Ironically, you are angry and overreacting over A f***ING VIDEO GAME discussion topic

The classic catch-22 defense for making bad topics right here. People are free to make s***ty complaining topics but call them out and somebody always has to point out "the irony" instead of the actual s***poster kind of like how whenever anybody is actually trolling people have this tendency to egg them on or claim how funny they are no matter how lazy their s***posting but when somebody just has an opinion that conflicts with the majority one people claim they are "trolling" if anyone catches my drift.

s*** like this is why I hate this site.

Are you agreeing with him or?

I... think so? If they're saying what I think they're saying, yes.

It just seemed like it could have gone both ways(as in him posting that is the reason you hate it instead of what should have been obvious).

Confused the hell outta me. Got it.
3DS Friend Code:0044 4173 2062
IGN: Is Abram/Abe.....Friend Safari: Steel - Klang/Magneton/Klefki Gen 6 TSV: 1607 GEN 7 TSV: 3556
before ohmori tweeted that lillie picture i thought his waifu was anabel. maybe anabel is masuda's waifu bc i can't think of any other reason why such an obscure character would suddenly return like that.
ZeraX7 posted...
Andrex_93 posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
I get you, but personally speaking of course, comparing the old games/anime with the new games/anime, I felt they are now trying too hard to push some Pokemon over others on screen. Some certain Pokemon are getting way more attention and treatment all over the place.

I never saw that in the old seasons and old games, but it's clear as the sun beginning from X/Y on wards at least for me.

Oh, that could definitely be happening since the first gen games onward, simply because they use what's more marketable; see, what I was trying to say was that it's not like there's no bias, but that the bias is not of the developers' personal taste, but rather what they see is more popular among fans (or what they'll predict will be more popular).

Putting more Pokemon on screen won't make them lose money.

for example, the upcoming movie won't flop (not implying the previous ones had amazing performances) if they kept Squirtle and Bulbasaur, a key Pokemon which are also a starters in "KANTO" remake.

Not only they had no chance in Origins, XY, XY Mega Specials, Sun and Moon, but they won't also have a chance of even appearing at all in that movie according to the movie tie-in merchs, posters and trailers.

And c'mon, a bit more love for Gen2/4 starters please? Piplup is always there but they never cared about Chimchar or Turtwig. And giving a bit of love for these two like Piplup won't bankrupt TPC to oblivion.

Piplup is even in that recently released Magikarp phone app lol even though it has nothing to do there,

Chespin and Fenniken suffered deeply from this in their own series as well, they were treated like a filler Pokemon and never got any care they even got a back-seat in the anime where Greninja and Charizard got the entire focus of the anime. Did that happen in the older seasons? nope.

Sorry to say this, but GF/TPC are forever a garbage companies in my eyes starting from that low-point.

Off the top of my head, piplup pretty much monopolized the screen time for dawns pokemon throughout hoenn/sinnoh. Chimchar practically carried ash through the latter half of sinnoh, and Buizel, and turterra were reduced to permanent jobbers during it. Oshawatt, snivy, axes, and emolga ecilspe the other mons srceentime sort of pikach u.

XY, was actually balanced, fraokie/frogadier were practically background characters until xyz, 80 eps in, when its popualirty peaked. Hell, greninja was voted the no.1 pokemon out of all 720 then, that's huge.
3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
Don't even remind me of Piplup. They had to introduce Gible and reduce it to Gible's ***** just to try and make that thing likeable again after years of being a spoiled brat.

People complain about Pikachu, but it never was as annoying as that thing.
3DS Friend Code:0044 4173 2062
IGN: Is Abram/Abe.....Friend Safari: Steel - Klang/Magneton/Klefki Gen 6 TSV: 1607 GEN 7 TSV: 3556
Undrave 1 day ago#120
Andrex_93 posted...

For example, Masuda, which was pretty much the boss for a good long while, and still is, is the reason why Psyduck is sometimes in merchandise and is in every regional dex. But this is not what you're talking about; the wider media representation is gotten from what they expect the fans to like, not from what they personally like. Especially in a franchise as established as Pokémon.

Oh marketing... I was at the Pokémon Center a few monthes after the release of XY and there was a TON of merchandise pushing Pancham, Inkay and Heliptile alongside the starters and Pikachu. Basically marketing had decided these would be the popular cute Pokémons ya know? Even though Malamar is ugly and not in a cool way >.> I don't feel like those three got much a push beyond those initial product line. They had pretty much dissapeared from most of the anime merch (aside from Serena's pancham with its sunglasses) by the time I went back to Japan two years later. LOTS of Squishy/Zygarde-core plushies and stuff though. Probably enough to make a 100% Zygarde :p 

And yet a bunch of obvious merchandis was nowhere to be found... No Gym Badges as always and no Vivillon in its different patterns (heck they could have turned it into its own blind bag or gashapon set up!)...
RavioliArceus posted...
Kaioshin Sama posted...
PkmTrainerAbram posted...
Arne83 posted...
Kaioshin Sama posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
Arne83 posted...
Hey. Here's an idea. Instead of constantly b****ing about A f***ING VIDEO GAME why not use that time doing something actually useful?

Ironically, you are angry and overreacting over A f***ING VIDEO GAME discussion topic

The classic catch-22 defense for making bad topics right here. People are free to make s***ty complaining topics but call them out and somebody always has to point out "the irony" instead of the actual s***poster kind of like how whenever anybody is actually trolling people have this tendency to egg them on or claim how funny they are no matter how lazy their s***posting but when somebody just has an opinion that conflicts with the majority one people claim they are "trolling" if anyone catches my drift.

s*** like this is why I hate this site.

Are you agreeing with him or?

And yeah. I had to actually explain what real trolling was to some dude the other day because they think getting a post not even related to the topic is a successful troll, than actually getting someone to argue the troll bait and get modded/banned in the process. You know, real trolling and not this "sign my topic like a guestbook lolz you fell for itz even though you're the one making ME look stupid"/of you have a different opinon, you must be trolling" bull s***.

Trolling as I used to understand meant something more like playing a prank on people or leading them on cleverly in a direction before eventually springing the ultimate surprise on them in front of everybody. Now it just kind of means essentially the same thing as spam which is why I prefer the term s***posting for what people do now. Just make a bunch of low quality s***ty obvious fake opinion topics that come in preset template memes to annoy people and then have a bunch of equally annoying people with little to contribute post their reaction meme variants of thisbait.jpg. Also people that grew up with social media seem to think it's the coolest s*** in the world to be a part of and just how you're supposed to talk on the internet rather than an occasional tangent. Really the problem is that "trolling" or rather spam is the dominant form of interaction on the internet now. Similar to an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, a s***post for a s***post makes the whole world mute.

nobody really 'trolls' on this board, we're all s***posters

And oh so proud of it too from what I've been able to gather. Appreciate the honesty by the way if nothing else.
Arne83 1 day ago#122
hahahaha12 posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
I'm seriously lost. Did all that happen because I said someone is overreacting over this thread?

Yes now get back on topic! All this text is horrible to scroll through.
Ohmori is a waifu god and nothing else. He created Lillie.

Kenkou Cross is the one true waifu god.
""Maturity" is an illusion." -Endgame
NNID: Arne83
Undrave 1 day ago#123
Prismsblade posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
Andrex_93 posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
I get you, but personally speaking of course, comparing the old games/anime with the new games/anime, I felt they are now trying too hard to push some Pokemon over others on screen. Some certain Pokemon are getting way more attention and treatment all over the place.

I never saw that in the old seasons and old games, but it's clear as the sun beginning from X/Y on wards at least for me.

Oh, that could definitely be happening since the first gen games onward, simply because they use what's more marketable; see, what I was trying to say was that it's not like there's no bias, but that the bias is not of the developers' personal taste, but rather what they see is more popular among fans (or what they'll predict will be more popular).

Putting more Pokemon on screen won't make them lose money.

for example, the upcoming movie won't flop (not implying the previous ones had amazing performances) if they kept Squirtle and Bulbasaur, a key Pokemon which are also a starters in "KANTO" remake.

Not only they had no chance in Origins, XY, XY Mega Specials, Sun and Moon, but they won't also have a chance of even appearing at all in that movie according to the movie tie-in merchs, posters and trailers.

And c'mon, a bit more love for Gen2/4 starters please? Piplup is always there but they never cared about Chimchar or Turtwig. And giving a bit of love for these two like Piplup won't bankrupt TPC to oblivion.

Piplup is even in that recently released Magikarp phone app lol even though it has nothing to do there,

Chespin and Fenniken suffered deeply from this in their own series as well, they were treated like a filler Pokemon and never got any care they even got a back-seat in the anime where Greninja and Charizard got the entire focus of the anime. Did that happen in the older seasons? nope.

Sorry to say this, but GF/TPC are forever a garbage companies in my eyes starting from that low-point.

Off the top of my head, piplup pretty much monopolized the screen time for dawns pokemon throughout hoenn/sinnoh. Chimchar practically carried ash through the latter half of sinnoh, and Buizel, and turterra were reduced to permanent jobbers during it. Oshawatt, snivy, axes, and emolga ecilspe the other mons srceentime sort of pikach u.

XY, was actually balanced, fraokie/frogadier were practically background characters until xyz, 80 eps in, when its popualirty peaked. Hell, greninja was voted the no.1 pokemon out of all 720 then, that's huge.

Except poor Hawlucha who got turned into a Jobber pretty hard :/ 

I mean I watched the Ninja village eps lately and Ash is stuck fighting a guy with a friggin' Bisharp... That's x4 weak to Fighting attack dangit! I know Ash's schtick is to always go for the hardest matchup he can think of, but geez... time was of the essence!
Undrave 1 day ago#124
Kaioshin Sama posted...
RavioliArceus posted...
Kaioshin Sama posted...

Trolling as I used to understand meant something more like playing a prank on people or leading them on cleverly in a direction before eventually springing the ultimate surprise on them in front of everybody. Now it just kind of means essentially the same thing as spam which is why I prefer the term s***posting for what people do now. Just make a bunch of low quality s***ty obvious fake opinion topics that come in preset template memes to annoy people and then have a bunch of equally annoying people with little to contribute post their reaction meme variants of thisbait.jpg. Also people that grew up with social media seem to think it's the coolest s*** in the world to be a part of and just how you're supposed to talk on the internet rather than an occasional tangent. Really the problem is that "trolling" or rather spam is the dominant form of interaction on the internet now. Similar to an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, a s***post for a s***post makes the whole world mute.

nobody really 'trolls' on this board, we're all s***posters

And oh so proud of it too from what I've been able to gather. Appreciate the honesty by the way if nothing else.

So much s***posting... the worse part is that there's some fun conversation to be had on GameFAQs... just that the more popular boards just get swarmed with s***posts... Still finding decent conversation here is worth wading through the s***posters and ignoring them as best you can... it can be tiring though.
(edited 1 day ago)quote
He is right, they are pushing lillie quite a bit. though lana does seem to be a lot more popular. This team is obviously not used to balancing gameplay and story properly
Undrave 1 day ago#126
verifiaman posted...
He is right, they are pushing lillie quite a bit. though lana does seem to be a lot more popular. This team is obviously not used to balancing gameplay and story properly

Yeah the game has major pacing issues. You go from story and character moment cutscenes to tutorial cutscenes and back to story cutscenes WAY too often early on. 

I actually enjoyed playing Moon and I don't mind Lillie at all, but I totally see where people take issue with her. In other games in the serie YOU are the protagonist, not just the bodyguard of the real main character. It's not a big issue for me, since I feel it was a different experience, but it better not happen again next gen...

I think Pokémon could use some actual dialogue trees and having events actually change a little depending on how you built relationship with NPCs. Let us build the personality of our trainer... maybe show some emotions sometimes...
ZeraX7 1 day ago#127
Prismsblade posted...
Hell, greninja was voted the no.1 pokemon out of all 720 then, that's huge.

And they were scared about their marketing future that they changed the script so the most popular Pokemon of its time to lose in the Kalos League and then permanently released by Ash. 

You know it's kinda crazy how Charizard was at number 6 last year in the poll, but this year it's number 1.

They destroyed Greninja popularity quickly because Charizard was still getting all the exposure and continued to do so over Sun and Moon despite being number 6 (interestingly enough it's its dex number too).

Those staffs at TPC/GF are Charizard fanboys, here's my $100.
The Best Pokemon ->
Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
And by Gen 3 they introduced Waifumons that bipedal:
Meowstic (Female)

Jynx is too ugly and Bellossom is not humaniod enough

Waifumons that are quadpedal or armless too (as of Gen 2):
Alola Ninetales

But also Legendary Waifu mons as well:
Tapu Lele
Tapu Fini
(edited 1 day ago)quote
ZeraX7 posted...
Prismsblade posted...
Hell, greninja was voted the no.1 pokemon out of all 720 then, that's huge.

And they were scared about their marketing future that they changed the script so the most popular Pokemon of its time to lose in the Kalos League and then permanently released by Ash. 

You know it's kinda crazy how Charizard was at number 6 last year in the poll, but this year it's number 1.

They destroyed Greninja popularity quickly because Charizard was still getting all the exposure and continued to do so over Sun and Moon despite being number 6 (interestingly enough it's its dex number too).

Those staffs at TPC/GF are Charizard fanboys, here's my $100.

They didn't change anything, the script was decided well over a year ago prior to the finals. The director had no intention for ash to win then, and even if he changed his mind, the series still had to end by nov,18 and promote SM. I believe there are quotes of his somewhere that go more into detail about the decisions hes made.
3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
Tappor 1 day ago#130
s***posting is fun
CuterChihuahua2 1 day ago#131
usuratonkachi posted...
before ohmori tweeted that lillie picture i thought his waifu was anabel. maybe anabel is masuda's waifu bc i can't think of any other reason why such an obscure character would suddenly return like that.

Considering how they trashed Anabel, I think none of them really loved her. I mean... they made her a granny, gave her horrible clothing, and... ew... gave her... disgusting... LONG HAIR. WHAT THE H*CK.

I mean, look at this:


How could they ruin such perfection? How? HOW?!?!?

verifiaman posted...
He is right, they are pushing lillie quite a bit. though lana does seem to be a lot more popular.

Some times people instinctively reject something that is forced into them. Lillie is obvious waifu bait, her character design and personality are generic and is reducible to a couple of tvtropes articles. I mean, did the world really need yet another blonde, submissive and vulnerable hime cut?


Lana has a fanbase cuz she has an interesting, eye catching design, has a cute and kind personality but also has a variety of reactions to different settings, rather than always acting the same way, but more importantly because we aren't forced to like her. I like her by her own merits as a character. I mean I already wrote a 2300 word essay about it.

Tho I do wonder why they aren't also pushing Acerola in the anime, maybe they didn't expect her to actually be popular which seems flat out wrong, maybe they are only waiting a little till she appears cuz the anime has too much characters anyways.
If you report my posts cuz you disagree or hate my sexual preferences then you are a H*CKING bigoted cuck.
Trail Captain Lana is the love and light of my life.
(edited 1 day ago)quote
I don't get the complaints. Waifus are scientifically proven to sell games, and what's not to love about the likes of Lillie?
Friend Code: 3952-7289-8752
(edited 1 day ago)quote
CuterChihuahua2 1 day ago#133
And just in case you doubted how much of a degenerate Lillie worshipper Ohmori is:

If you report my posts cuz you disagree or hate my sexual preferences then you are a H*CKING bigoted cuck.
Trail Captain Lana is the love and light of my life.
(message deleted)
CuterChihuahua2 posted...
usuratonkachi posted...
before ohmori tweeted that lillie picture i thought his waifu was anabel. maybe anabel is masuda's waifu bc i can't think of any other reason why such an obscure character would suddenly return like that.

Considering how they trashed Anabel, I think none of them really loved her. I mean... they made her a granny, gave her horrible clothing, and... ew... gave her... disgusting... LONG HAIR. WHAT THE H*CK.

I mean, look at this:


Holy crap i did not expect her design to be that common!

How could they ruin such perfection? How? HOW?!?!?

verifiaman posted...
He is right, they are pushing lillie quite a bit. though lana does seem to be a lot more popular.

Some times people instinctively reject something that is forced into them. Lillie is obvious waifu bait, her character design and personality are generic and is reducible to a couple of tvtropes articles. I mean, did the world really need yet another blonde, submissive and vulnerable hime cut?


Lana has a fanbase cuz she has an interesting, eye catching design, has a cute and kind personality but also has a variety of reactions to different settings, rather than always acting the same way, but more importantly because we aren't forced to like her. I like her by her own merits as a character. I mean I already wrote a 2300 word essay about it.

Tho I do wonder why they aren't also pushing Acerola in the anime, maybe they didn't expect her to actually be popular which seems flat out wrong, maybe they are only waiting a little till she appears cuz the anime has too much characters anyways.

Wow i did not expect her design to be that common. damn japan loves them blondes!
CuterChihuahua2 posted...
Considering how they trashed Anabel, I think none of them really loved her. I mean... they made her a granny, gave her horrible clothing, and... ew... gave her... disgusting... LONG HAIR. WHAT THE H*CK.

meh i like her new design. christmas cakes are the best.
Undrave 1 day ago#137
usuratonkachi posted...
CuterChihuahua2 posted...
Considering how they trashed Anabel, I think none of them really loved her. I mean... they made her a granny, gave her horrible clothing, and... ew... gave her... disgusting... LONG HAIR. WHAT THE H*CK.

meh i like her new design. christmas cakes are the best.

Heck yeah! 

Let's leave the lolis to the degenerates :p
CuterChihuahua2 1 day ago#138
Undrave posted...
usuratonkachi posted...
CuterChihuahua2 posted...
Considering how they trashed Anabel, I think none of them really loved her. I mean... they made her a granny, gave her horrible clothing, and... ew... gave her... disgusting... LONG HAIR. WHAT THE H*CK.

meh i like her new design. christmas cakes are the best.

Heck yeah! 

Let's leave the lolis to the degenerates :p

Because being into decrepit, used up and torn down grannies is not degeneracy... alright.
If you report my posts cuz you disagree or hate my sexual preferences then you are a H*CKING bigoted cuck.
Trail Captain Lana is the love and light of my life.
CuterChihuahua2 posted...
Tajiri gave his life and soul to build this franchise from the ground up, Masuda has tried his best to follow the essence of pokemon Tajiri established, while also swaying the series in his characteristic, personal way.

But then.... they had to hand over the fate of the series to a total undeserving, uncaring, and incapable charlatan. That's right, that man is Ohmori. He turned the franchise from being about pokemon, to being about waifus.

It went from exploring the world of pokemon, with your pokemon, to following a straight line from point a to point b while you follow your precious and pure waifu and do her every whim.

"Oh, but what waifus do you even mean, CuterChihuahua2?" Says you, my convenient strawman. Well... The first one was Zinnia... as you can remember, she follows the patter I established above of "follow the waifu". Zinnia was an acceptable case at the time... her appearance is brief and on side content, and creating new characters was kind of necessary to provide the game with more story (Like Looker, except Looker is actually cool)

However.... we now have the demon spawn known as Lillie... Ohmori decided to go all out, gut the essence of pokemon out of its very heart, and turned it into a full blown dating simulator, Lillie chan edition! Everything in this whole game is about Lillie, she is shoved into your throat at the beginning of the game and she keeps getting shoved even deeper and deeper until the game ends, at which point she will have destroyed your entire digestive system. If you analyse the game and are honest with yourself without being an apologist, you know this is true. If you are in denial, consider how much text Lillie speaks, how much screen time she has, how many times the secondary characters speak to her without even acknowledging the player character is there. Acerola and Hapu turning into full blown lesbians for Lillie just to make it clear how awesome and special she is is a prime example. Lillie is the protagonist of this game, and a terrible, fanfic-cky one, while the player is coerced into becoming her sidekick that MUST PROTECT HER SMILE

Ohmori is following this disturbing pattern of "waifus above all", which has already poisoned many, many other game and anime series. This philosophy has no place in pokemon, Ohmori has irremediably wounded the fabric of the pokemon series, from here on out it will only keep on unraveling. I think the next installment will be even worse and so the damage Ohmori is causing will be apparent even to the staunchest of fanboys, I give him at most 2 generations more until he is either fired or Gamefreak collapses.

I honestly, truly, feel so bad for Tajiri and Masuda that have worked so hard and honestly for the good of Pokemon. It's so heartbreaking seeing one of my favorite franchises die infront of my very eyes as a fan, I can't even fathom how terrible Tajiri and Masuda really feel right now, seeing their baby being abused like this by an incompetent hack.


I'm sure he's crying his way all the wau to the bank.
Psn: iamkira08
Xbl: antimatter724
mehmeh1 1 day ago#140
Prismsblade posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
Andrex_93 posted...
ZeraX7 posted...
I get you, but personally speaking of course, comparing the old games/anime with the new games/anime, I felt they are now trying too hard to push some Pokemon over others on screen. Some certain Pokemon are getting way more attention and treatment all over the place.

I never saw that in the old seasons and old games, but it's clear as the sun beginning from X/Y on wards at least for me.

Oh, that could definitely be happening since the first gen games onward, simply because they use what's more marketable; see, what I was trying to say was that it's not like there's no bias, but that the bias is not of the developers' personal taste, but rather what they see is more popular among fans (or what they'll predict will be more popular).

Putting more Pokemon on screen won't make them lose money.

for example, the upcoming movie won't flop (not implying the previous ones had amazing performances) if they kept Squirtle and Bulbasaur, a key Pokemon which are also a starters in "KANTO" remake.

Not only they had no chance in Origins, XY, XY Mega Specials, Sun and Moon, but they won't also have a chance of even appearing at all in that movie according to the movie tie-in merchs, posters and trailers.

And c'mon, a bit more love for Gen2/4 starters please? Piplup is always there but they never cared about Chimchar or Turtwig. And giving a bit of love for these two like Piplup won't bankrupt TPC to oblivion.

Piplup is even in that recently released Magikarp phone app lol even though it has nothing to do there,

Chespin and Fenniken suffered deeply from this in their own series as well, they were treated like a filler Pokemon and never got any care they even got a back-seat in the anime where Greninja and Charizard got the entire focus of the anime. Did that happen in the older seasons? nope.

Sorry to say this, but GF/TPC are forever a garbage companies in my eyes starting from that low-point.

Off the top of my head, piplup pretty much monopolized the screen time for dawns pokemon throughout hoenn/sinnoh. Chimchar practically carried ash through the latter half of sinnoh, and Buizel, and turterra were reduced to permanent jobbers during it. Oshawatt, snivy, axes, and emolga ecilspe the other mons srceentime sort of pikach u.

XY, was actually balanced, fraokie/frogadier were practically background characters until xyz, 80 eps in, when its popualirty peaked. Hell, greninja was voted the no.1 pokemon out of all 720 then, that's huge.

also, don't forget how most seasons (especially bw, xy, and sm) began focusing mostly on pikachu (I mean, he took out the main pokemon of the 3 first kalos gym leaders, and tapu koko literally blew rowlet and rockruff away to fight just pikachu)
FC: 3840-6927-7945, have OR/Y/SM4SH/PSMD I'm a youtuber, here is my link: play games
Seabee1 1 day ago#141
Prismsblade posted...

They didn't change anything, the script was decided well over a year ago prior to the finals. The director had no intention for ash to win then, and even if he changed his mind, the series still had to end by nov,18 and promote SM. I believe there are quotes of his somewhere that go more into detail about the decisions hes made.

There was so much pointing toward a win that it's impossible to see any other alternative than a script change. They had to go against logic for Ash to lose this time.
TC doing God's work
Spread the truth :)
I'm very reasonable.
Research has proven that quote stackers are ALWAYS alts of each other ;)
Seabee1 posted...
Prismsblade posted...

They didn't change anything, the script was decided well over a year ago prior to the finals. The director had no intention for ash to win then, and even if he changed his mind, the series still had to end by nov,18 and promote SM. I believe there are quotes of his somewhere that go more into detail about the decisions hes made.

There was so much pointing toward a win that it's impossible to see any other alternative than a script change. They had to go against logic for Ash to lose this time.

This is true lol. Charizard had taken way too much damage to actually come out on top in the end.
I'm very reasonable.
Research has proven that quote stackers are ALWAYS alts of each other ;)
Joshsun 1 day ago#144
CuterChihuahua2 posted...
TheMaskedBane posted...

but that is fault of kiddos thinking bw story was anything above trash not ohmori

At least BW story is just ok and has no coerced waifus. As lame as N is, at least he is 100x times more interesting and better done than the trash pretext for villains that Guzma and Lusamine are.

Ghost_61636 posted...
I'm just gonna come out and say that Pokémon Sun and Moon are my favorite games yet and all the new changes to gameplay and story development are amazing. I hope he directs the new games too, the others are stale already.

The forced waifu style of Ohmori is already stale and it's only been 1 game and a half. You are in for a rude awakening if you expect his next game to be good.

GiftedACIII posted...
TC, this is a lesson that the best way to get ahead in life is to appeal to the hearts of shmucks everywhere. With your writing skills you could be able to do the same. So rather than waste your time futilely trying to convince randoms who are just here to kill time that the way the world works is wrong you should put those skills to the real world and grab money from shmucks yourself.

Indeed. Pandering to normies is why the quality of media across the board is rapidly decreasing. It's sad that creators with artistic integrity that don't want to pander to the masses are in the minority. The saddest part is how normies don't want to accept how they are only viewed as cattle for consumption, and they convince themselves that the media they are force fed is "good", lol.

CloverKitten posted...
Nabiki_Tendo posted...
the sales speak

And they say that SM sold similarly to other recent Pokemon games, which is pretty embarrassing considering all the attention the franchise got with GO and the 20th anniversary hype.

Yep, people don't buy games because they are good, they buy games because of marketing. Sun Moon got a lucky spike in sales because they pandered to the normies, sadly many of them came out disappointed when they realized they bought a waifu simulator and not a pokemon game. Their trust in the franchise is forever destroyed, so the "good" sales of SuMo is just a pyrric victory.

fairyl posted...
Sorry but LIllie is not my waifu so this thread is wrong

It's not your choice to make, Ohmori already decided for you before hand to love and worship Lillie as the perfect being she supposedly is.

If Lillie was replace by Skyla, it would be a ten times better game lol. That's my waifu.
Skull_pro 1 day ago#145
Tyranidomega posted...
They just need the directors and teams who were behind Platinum, HgSs, and BW2 back on the helm again

HgSS sucked big time. They made the most glaring flaw (not counting glitches) of the game even worse.

I agree with Plat and BW2 being great though.
My FC: 5301 2862 3777
My sympaties to the friends and familly of the January 29th 2017 Quebec City Mosque shooting victims. R.I.P.
mehmeh1 posted...
also, don't forget how most seasons (especially bw, xy, and sm) began focusing mostly on pikachu (I mean, he took out the main pokemon of the 3 first kalos gym leaders, and tapu koko literally blew rowlet and rockruff away to fight just pikachu)

Pikachu, despite being inconsistent at times usually carries Ash at the start of most regions, until the rest of his team catchs up in strength, then fades into the background the middle, and pops back up towards the end. Actually, in xy, pikachu after winning ash his forth 4th badge barely battled at all until wulfric.

Seabee1 posted...
There was so much pointing toward a win that it's impossible to see any other alternative than a script change. They had to go against logic for Ash to lose this time.

Looking back, that was clearly their intent from the start, why do you they made it a point to mention Ash never beat Alain up till then? Usually Ash always surpasses, and defeats his rival by the end, based on his prior records, which the writers used to their advantage, as it'd work especially well on long time fans, to fool them. They also didnt spoiler the outcome with its usual preview scans, something they never gave a crap about prior. 

Clever, I'll give em that much.
3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
ZeraX7 1 day ago#147
Prismsblade posted...
They didn't change anything, the script was decided well over a year ago prior to the finals. The director had no intention for ash to win then, and even if he changed his mind, the series still had to end by nov,18 and promote SM. I believe there are quotes of his somewhere that go more into detail about the decisions hes made.

They did. The trailer of that episode heavily suggested that Ash will win, and the animators expressed disappointment that Ash lost. Considering they witnessed Ash losing many times in the past they wouldn't care much here but they didn't like the outcome.
The Best Pokemon ->
Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
ZeraX7 posted...
Prismsblade posted...
They didn't change anything, the script was decided well over a year ago prior to the finals. The director had no intention for ash to win then, and even if he changed his mind, the series still had to end by nov,18 and promote SM. I believe there are quotes of his somewhere that go more into detail about the decisions hes made.

They did. The trailer of that episode heavily suggested that Ash will win, and the animators expressed disappointment that Ash lost. Considering they witnessed Ash losing many times in the past they wouldn't care much here but they didn't like the outcome.

I didn't hear about that but I know one of the writers was upset and wrote a tweet kids should be allowed to follow their dreams.
You either die a noob, or live long enough to see yourself become a hacker.
EZ_Money 1 day ago#149
Oh great @CuterChihuahua2 , how would you fix this horrible trash game? Truly you must hold the answers.
It is odorless, tasteless, bland, dissolves instantly in water, and is one of the dealier poisons known to man.
If you don't think Roy is viable you're wrong.
Seabee1 1 day ago#150
ZeraX7 posted...

They did. The trailer of that episode heavily suggested that Ash will win, and the animators expressed disappointment that Ash lost. Considering they witnessed Ash losing many times in the past they wouldn't care much here but they didn't like the outcome.

I want whoever was responsible for this to burn for all eternity, tbh.
  1. Boards
  2. Pokemon Sun
  3. I feel so bad for Tajiri and Masuda :/ 
    1. Boards
    2. Pokemon Sun
    3. I feel so bad for Tajiri and Masuda :/
    ZeraX7 1 day ago#151
    SNRGTCgamer posted...
    I didn't hear about that but I know one of the writers was upset and wrote a tweet kids should be allowed to follow their dreams.

    That was Ash's Japanese voice over. She wrote something about it's ok to lose and not to give up in her blog but she got s***storms because nobody even outside Japan liked that episode (except Charizard fans of course).

    Seabee1 posted...
    ZeraX7 posted...

    They did. The trailer of that episode heavily suggested that Ash will win, and the animators expressed disappointment that Ash lost. Considering they witnessed Ash losing many times in the past they wouldn't care much here but they didn't like the outcome.

    I want whoever was responsible for this to burn for all eternity, tbh.

    Tbh I hope they stop working with that s***ty anime studio for good. They never did anything good. (Bad movies, bad specials, bad writers, etc..) Origins was garbage and Generations was meh and they even messed up its own timeline despite being a short webshow.
    The Best Pokemon ->
    Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
    (edited 1 day ago)quote
    CuterChihuahua2 1 day ago#152
    XxIamKiraXx posted...

    I'm sure he's crying his way all the wau to the bank.

    Not everything is life is about money, especially if you are a visionary creative type like Tajiri or Masuda. People who do things for passion and search of quality and art and want to leave a legacy over anything else. Their legacy is destroyed. 20 years from now we will all call pokemon "that degenerate Ohmory-waifu fest simulacrum of a game".

    Jesus_Toast posted...
    TC doing God's work
    Spread the truth :)


    EZ_Money posted...
    Oh great @CuterChihuahua2 , how would you fix this horrible trash game? Truly you must hold the answers.

    There is too much to list right now. I will need to write another essay to fully express everything. But being brief.... Remove the entire Lusamine family, they are nothing but a black hole of attention that prevents us from paying attention to Alola. Also remove the aether foundation and polish up team skull so that they are actually well written and Guzma is a worthy villian to fight, not just a neet cholo that doesn't pose a threat in the entire game at all. Also, give Alola some lore/backstory. I literally have no idea what the legendaries are supposed to represent. Ohmori was too busy making the legendary literally Lilie's pet to bother about making them actually have a place in the Alola region and history. (Also remove UBs, and revert Grandmabel to her original, perfect form).

    Also make the Alola region actually worth exploring and improve the route design, they are bland, boring, and claustrophobic. And make real music for the game.
    If you report my posts cuz you disagree or hate my sexual preferences then you are a H*CKING bigoted cuck.
    Trail Captain Lana is the love and light of my life.
    Arne83 1 day ago#153
    CuterChihuahua2 posted...
    polish up team skull so that they are actually well written and Guzma is a worthy villian to fight, not just a neet cholo that doesn't pose a threat in the entire game at all.

    So... completely ruin everything great about Team Skull and Guzma.

    f*** off with this s***! You wouldn't know how to make a good game if you had the best dev team in the world helping you out.
    ""Maturity" is an illusion." -Endgame
    NNID: Arne83
    Andrex_93 1 day ago#154
    Undrave posted...
    Andrex_93 posted...

    For example, Masuda, which was pretty much the boss for a good long while, and still is, is the reason why Psyduck is sometimes in merchandise and is in every regional dex. But this is not what you're talking about; the wider media representation is gotten from what they expect the fans to like, not from what they personally like. Especially in a franchise as established as Pokémon.

    Oh marketing... I was at the Pokémon Center a few monthes after the release of XY and there was a TON of merchandise pushing Pancham, Inkay and Heliptile alongside the starters and Pikachu. Basically marketing had decided these would be the popular cute Pokémons ya know? Even though Malamar is ugly and not in a cool way >.> I don't feel like those three got much a push beyond those initial product line. They had pretty much dissapeared from most of the anime merch (aside from Serena's pancham with its sunglasses) by the time I went back to Japan two years later. LOTS of Squishy/Zygarde-core plushies and stuff though. Probably enough to make a 100% Zygarde :p 

    And yet a bunch of obvious merchandis was nowhere to be found... No Gym Badges as always and no Vivillon in its different patterns (heck they could have turned it into its own blind bag or gashapon set up!)...

    Yeah. I mean, new Pokémon are always marketed - alongside popular ones so as to increase the chance of them being received better - and since Gen 6 introduced, like, 2 new mons, they were "all" kind of heavily marketed until the games' release, and then, unless anime-relevant, back into obscurity..

    ZeraX7 posted...
    They destroyed Greninja popularity quickly because Charizard was still getting all the exposure and continued to do so over Sun and Moon despite being number 6 (interestingly enough it's its dex number too).

    Those staffs at TPC/GF are Charizard fanboys, here's my $100.

    They should be: Charizard is probably the second most recognizable Pokémon, and was always a fan favorite, with a design that appeals to most people.

    And they replaced Greninja because they realized how much trash that design is it didn't really fit with the next games; heck, technically it still got more exposure with its even uglier form.

    Again, I would like, I guess, if more merchandise for my favorites was around, but, for how things work, it's not developers' bias.. it's marketing analyses and campaigns, and what is more popular is continuously featured to better market the next thing.
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."
    (edited 1 day ago)quote
    Drakaiser 23 hours ago#155
    Op is underrated
    ZeraX7 22 hours ago#156
    Andrex_93 posted...
    And they replaced Greninja because they realized how much trash that design is it didn't really fit with the next games; heck, technically it still got more exposure with its even uglier form.

    You can say that for the next hundred years and it won't be a fact, sorry.

    Greninja was a fan-favorite and liked by many except those butthurt kids who didn't like Greninja getting a new form. Just look at them at youtube videos pathetically hating on Greninja just because Ash bonded with it instead of Charizard lol (Just watch any video about Ash's Pokemon and then look for the Greninja comments)

    And since it was #1 last year, it was obviously marketable and brought a lot of income to the ungrateful s***bags at TPC/GF.

    Andrex_93 posted...
    Again, I would like, I guess, if more merchandise for my favorites was around, but, for how things work, it's not developers' bias.. it's marketing analyses and campaigns, and what is more popular is continuously featured to better market the next thing.

    As discussed above, this reason is stupid (not implying GF/TPC are good enough to be smart) because showing more pokemon beside Charizard and Pikachu won't make them lose money. 

    I don't even know why they are bothering creating tons of Pokemon if they all want is dickride Eevee, Pikachu and Charizard in every generation. 

    People want to see their favorite pokemon too.
    The Best Pokemon ->
    Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
    Prismsblade 21 hours ago#157
    ZeraX7 posted...
    Prismsblade posted...
    They didn't change anything, the script was decided well over a year ago prior to the finals. The director had no intention for ash to win then, and even if he changed his mind, the series still had to end by nov,18 and promote SM. I believe there are quotes of his somewhere that go more into detail about the decisions hes made.

    They did. The trailer of that episode heavily suggested that Ash will win, and the animators expressed disappointment that Ash lost. Considering they witnessed Ash losing many times in the past they wouldn't care much here but they didn't like the outcome.

    Ashs VA simply reassured fans that its okay to lose.....of course she got s*** on by long time fans waiting 20 now for ash to finally win the league. And the the preview for the next ep on toeis channel for pokemon was bombarded with dislikes.

    And the advertisements kept the victor largely ambiguous, even the ep title didnt give anything away, and those, just like magazine scans usually didnt give a crap about spoilers.
    3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
    PSN: Blackkaizer
    Andrex_93 21 hours ago#158
    ZeraX7 posted...
    You can say that for the next hundred years and it won't be a fact, sorry.

    Greninja was a fan-favorite and liked by many except those butthurt kids who didn't like Greninja getting a new form. Just look at them at youtube videos pathetically hating on Greninja just because Ash bonded with it instead of Charizard lol (Just watch any video about Ash's Pokemon and then look for the Greninja comments)

    And since it was #1 last year, it was obviously marketable and brought a lot of income to the ungrateful s***bags at TPC/GF.

    Keep in mind, I'm not just talking about loltheanime. Pokémon is much more than that. And, no, Greninja wasn't liked by everyone, ever since its reveal because people with actual taste always disliked it.

    And, again, Greninja couldn't stay relevant for the next games, so they had to drop it in the anime, too; and it still received a new ugly form in the new games, too, so that's more than anyone else can say, pretty much.

    Also, a Japanese poll is not demonstrative of the entirety of the fanbase (or am I misremembering how that worked?).

    ZeraX7 posted...
    As discussed above, this reason is stupid (not implying GF/TPC are good enough to be smart) because showing more pokemon beside Charizard and Pikachu won't make them lose money. 

    I don't even know why they are bothering creating tons of Pokemon if they all want is dickride Eevee, Pikachu and Charizard in every generation. 

    People want to see their favorite pokemon too.

    Seriously, though, I know your "hate Charizard" boner is sky high with this discussion, but, going by how things are marketed, putting more Pokémon in the front line would actually have the chance to decrease sales, even if just because it would automatically mean less space for the fan favorites.

    Keep in mind, as I said for like 3 times, now, I'm not defending them, I'm not agreeing with putting the same s*** always on the spot, on a personal level - I mean, I think I got even more tired of Lucario because of that - , I'm just stating how things actually work, because you seem to misunderstand why Charizard is used more than Bulbasaur, to get really "personal", lol.
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."
    (edited 21 hours ago)quote
    SNRGTCgamer 21 hours ago#159
    ZeraX7 posted...
    SNRGTCgamer posted...
    I didn't hear about that but I know one of the writers was upset and wrote a tweet kids should be allowed to follow their dreams.

    That was Ash's Japanese voice over. She wrote something about it's ok to lose and not to give up in her blog but she got s***storms because nobody even outside Japan liked that episode (except Charizard fans of course).

    No, no, no. She tweeted out as well saying there's always next time (which given Alola is meh). One of the writers was upset.
    You either die a noob, or live long enough to see yourself become a hacker.
    Ender_Mugen 20 hours ago#160
    EZ_Money posted...
    Oh great @CuterChihuahua2 , how would you fix this horrible trash game? Truly you must hold the answers.

    We all know TC would """fix""" this game by making Lana the rival, professor's assistant, and love interest (regardless of player gender). She would fight you for the champion title instead of Kukui and the ceremony after becoming champion would be Lana admitting her "undying love" to the player, cue cutscene of player and Lana getting married as TC jerks off to the sight Lana wearing a wedding dress from the sidelines.
    Rad_Dudesman 20 hours ago#161

    Our lord and savior Ash Ketchum has faith in Lillie and you should too
    Nintendo Network ID: raddudesman
    ZeraX7 20 hours ago#162
    Andrex_93 posted...
    Seriously, though, I know your "hate Charizard" boner is sky high with this discussion

    I hate how they shove Charizard everywhere, not Charizard itself.

    And that's funny coming from someone who always over-hating on Greninja in every thread possible here lol

    In contrast, I don't go like "that fugly piece of s*** charizard deserves nothing lolololol" or "I'm so happy that abomination s*** that is called charizard is gone!!!" 

    I'm bashing TPC way of doing things, which you can't deny that is sucks. I wouldn't mind Pikachu and Charizard being shoved everywhere if more Pokemon are having 1/4 of their treatment. and just because I want watch my other pokemon doesn't mean i have hate-boner for Charizard like you for Greninja.

    For a company that is disrespecting a lot of fans that happened to have different opinions and preferences, TPC is a pure garbage company.

    If you want a proof of that, look for another franchise like Gundam. Even their least popular shows like X, G and Victory get to appear with the more popular shows in the video games, anime specials and almost everywhere else.

    Did bandai/sunrise lost a lot of many with such move every year? Just compare GvG series with that stupid Pokken.

    Andrex_93 posted...
    but, going by how things are marketed, putting more Pokémon in the front line would actually have the chance to decrease sales

    Not convinced, Explain more.
    The Best Pokemon ->
    Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
    Seabee1 19 hours ago#163
    ZeraX7 posted...

    I hate how they shove Charizard everywhere, not Charizard itself.

    And that's funny coming from someone who always over-hating on Greninja in every thread possible here lol

    In contrast, I don't go like "that fugly piece of s*** charizard deserves nothing lolololol" or "I'm so happy that abomination s*** that is called charizard is gone!!!" 

    I'm bashing TPC way of doing things, which you can't deny that is sucks. I wouldn't mind Pikachu and Charizard being shoved everywhere if more Pokemon are having 1/4 of their treatment. and just because I want watch my other pokemon doesn't mean i have hate-boner for Charizard like you for Greninja.

    For a company that is disrespecting a lot of fans that happened to have different opinions and preferences, TPC is a pure garbage company.

    If you want a proof of that, look for another franchise like Gundam. Even their least popular shows like X, G and Victory get to appear with the more popular shows in the video games, anime specials and almost everywhere else.

    Did bandai/sunrise lost a lot of many with such move every year? Just compare GvG series with that stupid Pokken.

    I don't think this problem even started until Gen 6. I hate modern Pokemon.
    CuterChihuahua2 17 hours ago#164
    Arne83 posted...

    So... completely ruin everything great about Team Skull and Guzma.

    What was even "great" about Guzma and co? What is so good about villains that pose no threat and don't do anything? Guzma is all talk and no show, it's like a smoke and mirrors trick, or maybe like one of those ink blob tests. You wanted him to be a good character and, ignoring all stimuli from reality, in your mind he is, but that's just your imagination, in reality he has no role in the story at all.

    f*** off with this s***! You wouldn't know how to make a good game if you had the best dev team in the world helping you out.

    I'll prove you wrong.

    Ender_Mugen posted...
    We all know TC would """fix""" this game by making Lana the rival, professor's assistant, and love interest (regardless of player gender). She would fight you for the champion title instead of Kukui and the ceremony after becoming champion would be Lana admitting her "undying love" to the player, cue cutscene of player and Lana getting married

    No. I'm not a degenerate like Ohmori, I actually want to create a quality product and not sacrifice everything in the name of waifu worshipping. Sure, I like Lana, but Pokemon shouldn't be a dating sim like Ohmori envisions, I respect the game enough to control myself to not make it about my waifus, which is something Ohmori isn't capable of.
    If you report my posts cuz you disagree or hate my sexual preferences then you are a H*CKING bigoted cuck.
    Trail Captain Lana is the love and light of my life.
    CuterChihuahua2 17 hours ago#165
    Ender_Mugen posted...
    Lana wearing a wedding dress

    Well, that IS cute :3

    If you report my posts cuz you disagree or hate my sexual preferences then you are a H*CKING bigoted cuck.
    Trail Captain Lana is the love and light of my life.
    Arne83 16 hours ago#166
    CuterChihuahua2 posted...
    Arne83 posted...

    So... completely ruin everything great about Team Skull and Guzma.

    What was even "great" about Guzma and co? What is so good about villains that pose no threat and don't do anything?

    It's called "comic relief", dude. They were never meant to be a legitimate threat... their entire reason for existing is to be a joke. They're like Bulk and Skull from the original Power Rangers... trying to make them actual villains completely ruins what they are. Maybe if you were less of a humorless grump and lighten up a bit, you would realize this.

    I'll prove you wrong.

    No you won't. Because you're never gonna make a game.
    ""Maturity" is an illusion." -Endgame
    NNID: Arne83
    Andrex_93 16 hours ago#167
    ZeraX7 posted...
    I hate how they shove Charizard everywhere, not Charizard itself.

    That's actually pretty much what I meant.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    And that's funny coming from someone who always over-hating on Greninja in every thread possible here lol

    In contrast, I don't go like "that fugly piece of s*** charizard deserves nothing lolololol" or "I'm so happy that abomination s*** that is called charizard is gone!!!" 

    I'm bashing TPC way of doing things, which you can't deny that is sucks. I wouldn't mind Pikachu and Charizard being shoved everywhere if more Pokemon are having 1/4 of their treatment. and just because I want watch my other pokemon doesn't mean i have hate-boner for Charizard like you for Greninja.

    Ah, you see, I was waiting for you to say this: the difference here is the bias and the motivations behind it:
    - I hate Greninja's design, and I've always hated it regardless of what other people thought about it or how over-displayed it was. My "hate" comes from sheer dislike and personal taste, rather than attributing my personal taste to others' motivations (TPC), which what you at least seem to do every time some starter comparison/Bulbasaur is involved.

    - You brought up Greninja ITT, IIRC; it's only natural that, to help better understanding my perspective/what I' saying and trying to explain to you, I'd take your mention and make it an example.

    And, again, and I can't state this enough, I'm not defending/supporting what they're doing and/or how they handle marketingI was just trying to explain to you that the choices they make simply don't derive from their personal tastes/biases, which what you (and I guess TC, for other subjects) were implying or outright stating, at points. This is all I'm trying to do, here.

    There might be some favoritism, but you won't see it on such large scale media; look at more specific things and/or the games, if you wanna try and see something like that.

    Example: Zoroark was heavily marketed during Gen 5's prerelease, but, since it didn't go over well with fans, it is now completely gone from marketing campaigns, which means that whether some developers liked the mon or not has nothing to do with the quantity and quality of its exposure.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    Not convinced, Explain more.

    It's quite simple, really: GF being a company (and every other company related to Pokémon's marketing and such), it will try to advertise their products as best as they can, with the lowest cost-highest amount of sales ratio.

    This means that you can't possibly cover all fans' most personal tastes and favoritisms in the marketing campaign, or it will end up less focused and in need of more spaces to market, which means more money and potentially less grip on the more casual crowd, which won't be off-put by X mon not being on every poster for the game.

    Keep in mind that the already hardcore fans won't either, because not buying a game of a franchise you enjoy because X favorite is not on the poster is incredibly petty.

    Marketing campaigns also usually need to convey recurring themes and such of the games, which means that, if Bulbasaur is not relevant for that specific product, it will not be heavily represented in the market. You can be damn sure that it would be all over the place for a Kanto remake, for example.

    The most featured mons are the ones that "endure" most products and work in most media, and I guess Greninja didn't fit everything - btw, I disagree with this, as, again, Greninja is still heavily featured well after its introduction; any reduction in its presence might be tied to dissatisfaction with the anime.
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."
    (edited 16 hours ago)quote
    Andrex_93 16 hours ago#168

    Also, it seems that my mentioning of your specific bias/taste has kind of put me in a confrontational light, in your eyes: keep in mind that I couldn't care less about attacking you personally or anything like that; quite the contrary, actually, as you seem to have "hate" that derives from projecting and misinformation regarding a matter that is all over all kinds of media, so I'm merely trying to explain better how stuff works by using an example that closely relates to you, to try and make it more clear, I guess.

    Of course, I don't see bias well whenever and wherever I see it (and keep in mind the differentiation I made about bias and taste, earlier: it's pretty much all about motivations and such), but I don't have a specific intent to attack yours specifically or anything; it just came in the discussion, I don't even remember how.
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."
    (edited 16 hours ago)quote
    CuterChihuahua2 16 hours ago#169
    Arne83 posted...
    It's called "comic relief", dude. They were never meant to be a legitimate threat... their entire reason for existing is to be a joke. They're like Bulk and Skull from the original Power Rangers... trying to make them actual villains completely ruins what they are. Maybe if you were less of a humorless grump and lighten up a bit, you would realize this.

    Now that's just a cop out. The villains can suck as much as they want as long as I say they are funny. (They really aren't that funny anyways). Besides you miss the entire point of what being a villain is. That is, to be a threat and opposing force to the player, someone that motivates the character to act. Guzma has the threat of a marshmallow and has no goals to speak of that oppose the player. He is just there. He has no place in the story because Lillie and Lusamine shoved him away yet they kept him there for no reason other than to fill space.

    Arne83 posted...

    No you won't. Because you're never gonna make a game.

    I've already made games before.
    If you report my posts cuz you disagree or hate my sexual preferences then you are a H*CKING bigoted cuck.
    Trail Captain Lana is the love and light of my life.
    Arne83 16 hours ago#170
    CuterChihuahua2 posted...
    Arne83 posted...
    It's called "comic relief", dude. They were never meant to be a legitimate threat... their entire reason for existing is to be a joke. They're like Bulk and Skull from the original Power Rangers... trying to make them actual villains completely ruins what they are. Maybe if you were less of a humorless grump and lighten up a bit, you would realize this.

    Now that's just a cop out.

    No it's not. Don't blame the game for your ignorance.
    ""Maturity" is an illusion." -Endgame
    NNID: Arne83
    ZeraX7 16 hours ago#171
    Andrex_93 posted...
    Ah, you see, I was waiting for you to say this: the difference here is the bias and the motivations behind it:
    - I hate Greninja's design, and I've always hated it regardless of what other people thought about it or how over-displayed it was. My "hate" comes from sheer dislike and personal taste, rather than attributing my personal taste to others' motivations (TPC), which what you at least seem to do every time some starter comparison/Bulbasaur is involved.

    - You brought up Greninja ITT, IIRC; it's only natural that, to help better understanding my perspective/what I' saying and trying to explain to you, I'd take your mention and make it an example.

    Not saying you are lying, but seeing your comments against Greninja here and in the other threads didn't feel just for its design (the anime/Kalos threads for example), they felt more like you wish Greninja was never existed which is a lot for reason such as design, considering there are many pokemon/starters with worse designs)

    which what you at least seem to do every time some starter comparison/Bulbasaur is involved.

    I'm a fanboy, but never talked crap about any starter in this board or this website. The only Pokemon i keep talking s*** about is Pikachu and everytime with reasons, but since it's not a starter I don't think people care.

    Sure there were some "my pokemon is better than your pokemon" moments, but they weren't about hate or dislike.

    Andrex_93 posted...
    Example: Zoroark was heavily marketed during Gen 5's prerelease, but, since it didn't go over well with fans, it is now completely gone from marketing campaigns, which means that whether some developers liked the mon or not has nothing to do with the quantity and quality of its exposure.

    Celebii, Shaymin, Gen2 legendaries, etc.. did very well with fans, but look at them being nothing much now.

    The only one who got most attention is Lucario (the new Mewtwo).

    Though my old comments were about starters.

    has nothing to do with the quantity and quality of its exposure.

    My English sucks but I will try to explain myself more.

    Putting other starters with Charizard won't do any harm to TPC's business, that's what I'm talking about.

    Blastoise and Venusaur are barely getting anything from all of them, they are not even appearing in "Kanto" reboot.
    (Even in the games, a 2nd mega for both wouldn't be a bad marketing move or will ruin GF's future in the industry.)

    Lucario and Incineroar look off in Kanto and weren't necessary, Piplup too. For a reboot that touch many people "nostalgia" and memories that was a really terrible idea to ruin the experience.

    I'm fine with less merchs for the less popular mons, but they should do some justice between the starters a bit more in other medias. Other franchises are doing much better job that TPC.
    Not saying they should put all the 802 Pokemon all at once, but seeing the same few Pokemon everywhere is getting real boring and annoying.

    That being said, I will watch the upcoming movie and everything after and probably enjoy them, but they are giving me many things to desire at this point..

    But I get what you said and I totally agree.
    The Best Pokemon ->
    Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
    CuterChihuahua2 16 hours ago#172
    Arne83 posted...

    No it's not. Don't blame the game for your ignorance.

    Seems like the other way around, using ignorance to excuse the game's flaws. I mean, I can see your point, Guzma could have been a good character if he was in a good game, sadly his potential was brutally cut short by Ohmori. Understanding this sad reality is crucial.
    If you report my posts cuz you disagree or hate my sexual preferences then you are a H*CKING bigoted cuck.
    Trail Captain Lana is the love and light of my life.
    Blastoise and Venusaur are barely getting anything from all of them, they are not even appearing in "Kanto" reboot.

    We really don't know this yet. For all we know they may be owned by some side characters for the sake of a battle against the main crew being marketed, or some such thing like they did in the first movie with those filler trainers.
    3DS Friend Code:0044 4173 2062
    IGN: Is Abram/Abe.....Friend Safari: Steel - Klang/Magneton/Klefki Gen 6 TSV: 1607 GEN 7 TSV: 3556
    Andrex_93 15 hours ago#174
    ZeraX7 posted...
    Not saying you are lying, but seeing your comments against Greninja here and in the other threads didn't feel just for its design (the anime/Kalos threads for example), they felt more like you wish Greninja was never existed which is a lot for reason such as design, considering there are many pokemon/starters with worse designs)

    How does that imply my hate is anything but profound dislike for its design, other than finding curious how seemingly a lot of its fans changed their minds once Protean was discovered and once they found out it was in Smash? Again, I can find that stupid/superficial, but it won't really modify my opinion on the design itself; at best I could get even more tired of it due to overexposure, but it won't mean much in the long run.

    Especially because I don't follow or care about anime stuff, so if you saw a post of mine in a thread like that it was likely because I was tagged in it or because I saw something specific to respond without addressing the main topic.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    I'm a fanboy, but never talked crap about any starter in this board or this website. The only Pokemon i keep talking s*** about is Pikachu and everytime with reasons, but since it's not a starter I don't think people care.

    Sure there were some "my pokemon is better than your pokemon" moments, but they weren't about hate or dislike.

    Well.. Some of those moments did seem kind of hate, to me, or at least heavily mentioning how Charizard was worse and such. Which, again, shows bias because you weren't just stating that that was your opinion regarding their designs or so, but it looked like you were trying to convince others that X was objectively better than Y on more than one aspect, even some which were objectively wrong (ergo the subjectivity/bias coming into play).

    Regardless, I was referring to those moments, if that's what you prefer.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    Celebii, Shaymin, Gen2 legendaries, etc.. did very well with fans, but look at them being nothing much now.

    Weren't nearly received as well as Lucario and others, especially not outside their games.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    Though my old comments were about starters.

    Eh, see.. You're trying to pin this on starters like they're something different, but they actually aren't, outside of promoting games in which they are starters, just because your favorite is one, and it just so happens that another mon in that category (which IYO is worse) is getting more attention; Feraligatr and Totodile are my favorite Pokémon, but I don't go around saying that GF is biased towards Charizard and against them because they feature less (next to 0) in marketing, or because, in the anime "Gen 2" special, Typhlosion was featured instead of Feraligatr.

    That's the kind of projecting I'm talking about.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    Putting other starters with Charizard won't do any harm to TPC's business, that's what I'm talking about.

    I know what you meant, but I still think it's technically wrong because of what I explained earlier. Again, I'm not saying I want or like the type of marketing Pokémon media usually gets, I was simply trying to explain that their reasoning has likely next to 0 connections with their personal biases.

    Also, and I would have mentioned this sooner or later, what PkmnTrainerAbram says is absolutely true: the other starters could still very well be used, and didn't Charizard just get featured on one poster, without seeing any kind of representation in the movie whatsoever?
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."
    Andrex_93 15 hours ago#175
    (Sorry for the double post, but I didn't have any space left)

    ZeraX7 posted...
    Lucario and Incineroar look off in Kanto and weren't necessary, Piplup too. For a reboot that touch many people "nostalgia" and memories that was a really terrible idea to ruin the experience.

    That's because those mons are more relevant to the marketing now (Incineroar because of SM and that's apparently the top petted mon in Refresh, the Gen 4 stuff for the likely coming Gen 4 remake/to test the grounds for one), than stuff like Venusaur, Victreebel or something like that, which is more niche. But, when more marketing comes around, we'll see what they'll actually pull off.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    I'm fine with less merchs for the less popular mons, but they should do some justice between the starters a bit more in other medias. Other franchises are doing much better job that TPC.
    Not saying they should put all the 802 Pokemon all at once, but seeing the same few Pokemon everywhere is getting real boring and annoying.

    Again, and keep in mind that I don't disagree with you, here, this is completely subjective selection: if my favorite was Salamence, I could have just as well said "Well, they always focus on the same dragon for marketing. Why not get some other Dragons in there, like, wouldn't you know it, Salamence?!?"

    But this wouldn't make sense from a corporation point of view.

    And, again, I'm not even saying they should use always the same 4 and such; but it's more than normal than what mons you see depends on what item they're marketing and that it's likely that some overall popular Pokémon, that heavily withstood the test of time, will be featured almost across the board.

    If anything, it shows favoritism among fans, rather than the developers themselves.
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."
    (edited 15 hours ago)quote
    Aysander 15 hours ago#176
    Wait, I am thoroughly confused.

    When was Lillie forced to be our Waifu? When were we doing her every whim for more than three minutes at a time? And why is the only actual Waifu-bait in the game not being addressed here?

    I'll give you a hint: TFS made her sound like she was from Bob's Burgers.
    Each new party member is unique but Magilou the Witch is easily the highlight.
    ZeraX7 14 hours ago#177
    Andrex_93 posted...
    Well.. Some of those moments did seem kind of hate, to me, or at least heavily mentioning how Charizard was worse and such. Which, again, shows bias because you weren't just stating that that was your opinion regarding their designs or so, but it looked like you were trying to convince others that X was objectively better than Y on more than one aspect, even some which were objectively wrong (ergo the subjectivity/bias coming into play).

    Regardless, I was referring to those moments, if that's what you prefer.

    The only time we discussed Venusaur vs Charizard was at the "who's the pokemon god" thread and i brought up some manga stuffs and messed around quoting and changing a comment about "charizard the god of awesomeness and dragons" to "god of overrated-ness"

    And that wasn't because I hate it. Being my least favorite kanto starter or preferring one over it does not equal to hate. 

    I only hate one Pokemon, Pikachu because it's unbearable and annoying in the anime and manga, and for the record Charizard was my starter the first three runs in Red.

    And to make justice for it, I think Lucario and Blastoise are overrated as well, but I don't hate them. Blastoise is actually the one i like visually the most of the kanto starters, and Lucario's personality in that movie was interesting, but both fandoms overglorifying them way too much.

    but it looked like you were trying to convince others that X was objectively better than Y on more than one aspect

    Only in threads about best starter in Kanto, and everytime I brought several reasons, not concluded it's the best with one line or anything.

    If there was other moments, tell me about them.
    The Best Pokemon ->
    Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
    Technically, Lillie is not everyone's waifu,and Pokemon are still heavy in the plot (i.e. Legedaries/Ultra Beasts),so this is just your view.
    I love Shaymin, Shaymin,Shay.
    Andrex_93 14 hours ago#179
    ZeraX7 posted...
    The only time we discussed Venusaur vs Charizard was at the "who's the pokemon god" thread and i brought up some manga stuffs and messed around quoting and changing a comment about "charizard the god of awesomeness and dragons" to "god of overrated-ness"

    And that wasn't because I hate it. Being my least favorite kanto starter or preferring one over it does not equal to hate. 

    I only hate one Pokemon, Pikachu because it's unbearable and annoying in the anime and manga, and for the record Charizard was my starter the first three runs in Red.

    And to make justice for it, I think Lucario and Blastoise are overrated as well, but I don't hate them. Blastoise is actually the one i like visually the most of the kanto starters, and Lucario's personality in that movie was interesting, but both fandoms overglorifying them way too much.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    Only in threads about best starter in Kanto, and everytime I brought several reasons, not concluded it's the best with one line or anything.

    If there was other moments, tell me about them.

    Again, hate, bias, dislike, here it doesn't make much of a difference: I was referring to those moments, and other minor ones, which are actually pretty much your gimmick/your taste showing in stuff that you post, with bias thrown in there wherever the discussion gets deeper/more technical.

    Again, though, it's not like I have some gripe about this or anything, so I won't and likely can't bring up any specific topic, because I remember you for this in general (and have tagged you as Bulbasaur fan, lol); but it's not like I wanna change your mind about this or "expose you"; it's just where the discussion ended up going for the process I explained earlier.

    The crux for me here was simply explaining how bias from the developers, especially in a franchise as big as this, is actually much less impactful than what you or TC made it out to be.

    Andrex_93 posted...
    If anything, it shows favoritism among fans, rather than the developers themselves.
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."
    (edited 14 hours ago)quote
    ZeraX7 14 hours ago#180
    Andrex_93 posted...
    Again, hate, bias, dislike, here it doesn't make much of a difference: I was referring to those moments, and other minor ones, which are actually pretty much your gimmick/your taste showing in stuff that you post, with bias thrown in there wherever the discussion gets deeper/more technical.

    Again, though, it's not like I have some gripe about this or anything, so I won't and likely can't bring up any specific topic, because I remember you for this in general (and have tagged you as Bulbasaur fan, lol); but it's not like I wanna change your mind about this or "expose you"; it's just where the discussion ended up going for the process I explained earlier.

    The crux for me here was simply explaining how bias from the developers, especially in a franchise as big as this, is actually much less impactful than what you or TC made it out to be.

    So let me get this straight, disliking Greninja for its design and stating Charizard is better in above mentioned threads is ok, But talking about Venusaur is bias and stating reasons supporting it is hating on the others?

    I never claimed my opinions to be official for you to remember my old posts as "hating propagandas"

    Go back and read what i said in that kanto starters thread, i listed several points about Venusaur's advantages in the game, how is that bias if the game itself designed to be a playground for Venusaur?

    and don't merge dislike/hate with favoritism, just because i like Venusaur the most doesn't mean i hate or dislike Charizard or Blastoise, so that's much of a difference. 

    Your favorite Pokemon is Charizard, did you ever talked about Blastoise being better? When you say Charizard is the god of dragons or whatever does that mean you hate Blastoise and Venusaur? is that a bias or not? when you said "I'm happy that Charizard defeated that abomination" aren't you applying the same claimed scenario on me with that?

    Everyone have their own opinions which is sometimes normally may get biased, so don't judge me before judging yourself.
    The Best Pokemon ->
    Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
    Andrex_93 13 hours ago#181
    ZeraX7 posted...
    Andrex_93 posted...
    Again, hate, bias, dislike, here it doesn't make much of a difference: I was referring to those moments, and other minor ones, which are actually pretty much your gimmick/your taste showing in stuff that you post, with bias thrown in there wherever the discussion gets deeper/more technical.

    Again, though, it's not like I have some gripe about this or anything, so I won't and likely can't bring up any specific topic, because I remember you for this in general (and have tagged you as Bulbasaur fan, lol); but it's not like I wanna change your mind about this or "expose you"; it's just where the discussion ended up going for the process I explained earlier.

    The crux for me here was simply explaining how bias from the developers, especially in a franchise as big as this, is actually much less impactful than what you or TC made it out to be.

    So let me get this straight, disliking Greninja for its design and stating Charizard is better in above mentioned threads is ok, But talking about Venusaur is bias and stating reasons supporting it is hating on the others?

    I never claimed my opinions to be official for you to remember my old posts as "hating propagandas"

    Go back and read what i said in that kanto starters thread, i listed several points about Venusaur's advantages in the game, how is that bias if the game itself designed to be a playground for Venusaur?

    and don't merge dislike/hate with favoritism, just because i like Venusaur the most doesn't mean i hate or dislike Charizard or Blastoise, so that's much of a difference. 

    Your favorite Pokemon is Charizard, did you ever talked about Blastoise being better? When you say Charizard is the god of dragons or whatever does that mean you hate Blastoise and Venusaur? is that a bias or not? when you said "I'm happy that Charizard defeated that abomination" aren't you applying the same claimed scenario on me with that?

    Everyone have their own opinions which is sometimes normally may get biased, so don't judge me before judging yourself.

    You're not getting this:

    I'm not even remembering what post you're talking about, so what you're referring was likely s***posting regarding Greninja, as I really don't care about the anime; you remembering this as some form of Charizard fanboysm, however, only reinforces the vibe I got from you.

    I lumped all of that together for the sake of discussion, but I never wanted to portray you as a 100% Charizard hater: I don't even care if you are or not, I just said that, through at least some posts of yours, it came off that way.

    I explained the difference between taste and bias above, and it's mainly about motivations, but let me try again with a simple example: if I stated that the color light blue was my favorite, I would be simply stating my opinion; if I stated that light blue was the best color out of all of them, listing also unproven/wrong reasons for why that is, all the while doing is secretly because that was my favorite color, that's a form of bias.

    I vaguely remember some posts of yours regarding starter choices, and IMO those were biased because you tried to display a personal choice of yours as the best (while possibly "discrediting" other choices) because of reasons that were actually disproven by some other users pretty quickly.

    To your credit, IIRC you admitted to making too quick of a judgement.

    But, again, this wasn't relevant to what I was discussing, as I didn't want to shift the focus on an attack to your persona: you're taking this far more personally than I ever intended, while quite possibly missing the point of why I was doing this.

    FYI, I think Charizard is fine, but it's not my favorite or anything; you're blowing this out of proportion.
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."
    (edited 13 hours ago)quote
    Andrex_93 13 hours ago#182

    Look, it seems to me like you felt attacked and I don't know if you'll be able to understand what I'm actually saying, now, so, if you're getting too upset or somethin', let's just drop this; hopefully you'll reflect on what I said about the marketing stuff, which was the crux of this whole thing.

    Just to further explain myself, when I "hate" on Greninja, I do so purely based on my opinion, with sometimes some snarkyness sprinkled on that for good measure, but it's not like I try to sell it as the worst Pokémon on anything other than design and other such superficial aspects, which are mostly subjective. I'm perfectly aware that that is my opinion, and that it's not even shared by many. Of course, if some wanted to go about "objective" design discussions, with stuff like consistency, recognizable silhouette, shapes and such, one could do so, but that's not a focus of mine, either now or on my average Greninja post.

    I have no problem when you (or anybody else) say that you prefer Bulba over Charizard; the bias I'm referring to is when you're either trying to project that missed display of your passion by marketing as a bias or personal affront by GF (like ITT), or when you're trying to display a starter choice as the best other than design-wise - and, even here, if your explanations are valid, your motivation for doing such a comparison might be off, but you're still "justified" to do it.

    I never tried to say Greninja was worse than the other starters in Kalos, especially just because it's my least favorite; that's the difference I'm talking about, is all.
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."
    (edited 13 hours ago)quote
    CuterChihuahua2 13 hours ago#183
    Aysander posted...
    When was Lillie forced to be our Waifu? When were we doing her every whim for more than three minutes at a time?

    Since the beginning of the game. And you do everything she tells you for the entire game. In case you forgot, you even have a forced date scene with her in exeggutor island.

    ShadowsofAlola posted...
    Technically, Lillie is not everyone's waifu,

    It's not about whether you like it or not, Ohmori already made the choice for you.

    ShadowsofAlola posted...
    and Pokemon are still heavy in the plot

    The plot in this game IS Lillie. Tapus have no importance and the ultra beast side quest is just spamming random encounters.
    If you report my posts cuz you disagree or hate my sexual preferences then you are a H*CKING bigoted cuck.
    Trail Captain Lana is the love and light of my life.
    ZeraX7 12 hours ago#184
    I didn't take this personally, but I was complaining about GF/TPC work and suddenly this was turned into a hate/bias thread for some reason.

    And I know i'm being annoying but let me one more time

    Andrex_93 posted...
    I vaguely remember some posts of yours regarding starter choices, and IMO those were biased because you tried to display a personal choice of yours as the best (while possibly "discrediting" others) because of reasons that were actually disproven by some other users pretty quickly.

    is this the thread you are talking about?

    And I never ever discussed about other Gens' starters and who is the best, only about Kanto ones and I don't know of any other threads where I stated a personal favorite being better. 

    Maybe you are thinking about Red's canon starter thread? As far as I remember that where I kept dragging the idea of mangas/artworks/generations being an evidence and most people didn't agree with me there.

    There was also other threads where I brought some anime/manga stuffs about Bulbasaur like being stronger but no body cared about that because no body merge video game canon with anime/manga canon. And another thread about Ash's Pokemon where I mentioned Ash's Bulbasaur having higher win/lose rate ratio than Charizard. 

    You see whenever I dickride Bulbasaur I talk with sources. Yes that is fanboyism, but backed up with sources, without personally or directly discreditting any Pokemon out of nothing. 

    Andrex_93 posted...
    IIRC you admitted to making too quick of a judgement.

    That was about a time where I made a statement (with a mocking tone) that people keep forgetting about Mankey/Nidoran for the 1st gym, in which TC was stuck at, and another user made it a joke on me for not knowing what I'm talking about, which was true because I mixed Red/Yellow/FRLG all together, and then I claimed i judged quickly and apologized to TC.

    No starter/personal favorite was involved in that thread at all though.

    hopefully you'll reflect on what I said about the marketing stuff

    Yeah, I said I agree with you on there.

    I never tried to say Greninja was worse than the other starters in Kalos, especially just because it's my least favorite; that's the difference I'm talking about, is all.

    Neither me for Charizard ,really. In fact, I personally consider Blastoise to be the worst for being easily replaceable, even though it's my 2nd favorite Kanto starter.

    And yes, this was dragged out for too long, and we are getting way off-topic with this. and it's about 2AM here and I need to sleep.
    The Best Pokemon ->
    Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
    (edited 12 hours ago)quote
    FearlessKage 12 hours ago#185
    Lmao I love this post
    FC: 4639-9132-3455 
    Name: Riku
    Andrex_93 12 hours ago#186
    ZeraX7 posted...
    I didn't take this personally, but I was complaining about GF/TPC work and suddenly this was turned into a hate/bias thread for some reason.

    Because I tried to make you understand how the process actually worked while trying to better understand while you felt the way you felt about the marketing thing. Never imagined it would go to this extent, though.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    is this the thread you are talking about?

    No, as I think I remember one where you said (if it was you), that you didn't see any reason to ever pick a Water starter, or something along those lines.

    But that topic is a good example, too: even if you bring sources, what need there is to bring irrelevant ones, while also comparing them with others (clearly in a (slightly) negative light, sometimes?)? What need is there to bring up an obscure Japan cup which literally no one but a die hard fan of the Bulba line (in this case) would know about? Can't you just state that it's your favorite while also bringing up some relevant/modern-day/less obscure reasons to bring up some objective comparisons?

    Well, let me state this again: you can bring all the sources that you want, but the dedication is really wasted, because that's not gonna really prove anything, especially taking into account other obscure sources which might favor other stuff.

    Again, it's about the motivations of why someone does something, not just about the result or sources. And therefore it's not even just about discrediting other stuff while tooting your own horn.

    From your signature, it is clear to me that you have a clear favorite, lol :D. That can obviously bring some bias in your decision making and even minor posts (your first poll series here was about how Bulba, and Grass Starters in general) were underrated, right? After you saw the response, you thought of making it for every starter to be more fair, but your initial intention was clearly another (I think you yourself even stated this).

    No, this has come out too long, again, lol.

    Look, the important thing is, IMO, the motivations behind what someone says and does; just take the "light blue" example and apply it to whatever you said; or don't, this wasn't me trying to expose you (and, even if you do, you don't need to post anything about it).

    You said you got what I was saying about the marketing stuff, so my "work" here is done. Go on and believe what you believe, no hard feelings regardless ;).

    ZeraX7 posted...
    And yes, this was dragged out for too long, and we are getting way off-topic with this. and it's about 2AM here and I need to sleep.

    Yeah, it is probably evident that I'm tired too, both because of the time and because of today.
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."
    (edited 12 hours ago)quote
    ZeraX7 12 hours ago#187
    Actually that world cup thing was from a YouTube video about Blastoise lol (search Blastoise history in competitive scene). 

    And no, i'm not going to prove my points by saying "it's my favorite" because that's stupid. 

    That world cup tournament was official and relevant for comparison between the starters, think Smogon tiers but for Japan. Being obscure to the west doesn't mean it's irrelevant in any way (There is no Japanese Venusaur or American Venusaur in meta, it's the same Pokemon). And I actually mentioned "more modern" stuff with Gen5 Chlorophyll and doubles format for example. It's up to you to take what source you like, for me these are relevant and strong points to back my claims for pre-Gen5 Venusaur being ahead of the others. 

    And a technical discussion doesn't hurt, so i don't know why i shouldn't talk about all of that when necessary. 

    And nope i never did a poll about grass or Bulbasaur being underrated. You are mistaken me for someone else now.

    I did a poll series about (why you dislike X starter) but had nothing to do what underratedness and stopped after Gen3 for lack of interest and low votes, that's all.
    The Best Pokemon ->
    Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
    (edited 12 hours ago)quote
    Andrex_93 12 hours ago#188
    ZeraX7 posted...
    And no, i'm not going to prove my points by saying "it's my favorite" because that's stupid.

    That's not what I meant.. If it's your favorite, fine, and you don't have to bring proof of it being the best, like it's some kind of forever underdog; what other people think of it doesn't matter; that's what I meant.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    That world cup tournament was official and relevant for comparison between the starters, think Smogon tiers but for Japan. Being obscure to the west but that doesn't mean it's irrelevant in any way (There is no Japanese Venusaur or American Venusaur in meta, it's the same Pokemon). And I actually mentioned "more modern" stuff with Gen5 Chlorophyll and doubles format for example. It's up to you to take what source you like, for me these are relevant and strong points to back my claims.

    Yeah, about that.. Pokémon is only balanced in Doubles format, so that's also what I meant with relevant.. It was about the fact that it was extremely dated and was backup source for a point which you already stated, but you treated it as a different point, like further proof of it being better..

    Meh, again, I don't want to get into this or the specifics. Not now and in this topic, especially.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    And nope i never did a poll about grass or Bulbasaur being underrated. You are mistaken me for someone else now.

    I did a poll series about (why you dislike X starter) but had nothing to do what underratedness and stopped after Gen3 for lack of interest and low votes, that's all.

    No, I was talking about that, but the underline of that topic was Bulba being underrated or something along those lines, either because of the OP itself or because of a previous topic you created when you came to the boards, shortly before making that Poll. Again, I don't remember the exact specifics, and don't want to dig them up, regardless.

    This isn't the place for that, anyway.
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."
    (edited 11 hours ago)quote
    ZeraX7 11 hours ago#189
    Andrex_93 posted...
    No, I was talking about that, but the underline of that topic was that, either because of the OP itself or because of a previous topic you created when you came to the boards

    What a reach and a way to assuming things. 

    What stopping me for making an actual poll or a thread asking if it's underrated or not? That poll series was inspried by a similar one on Amino apps (i can provide a link if you want too) 

    I even made a different thread asking if Venusaur got recognition because of its mega or before that because at that time i was totally noob about meta things. Why would i do a disguised poll for Bulbasaur hiding some real intentions? You are assuming too much here my friend. 

    Andrex_93 posted...
    but you treated it as a different point, like further proof of it being better..

    Think of it as a little history point for Venusaur pre-Gen6.
    The Best Pokemon ->
    Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
    Andrex_93 11 hours ago#190
    ZeraX7 posted...
    What a reach and a way to assuming things. 

    What stopping me for making an actual poll or a thread asking if it's underrated or not? That poll series was inspried by a similar one on Amino apps (i can provide a link if you want too)

    Nothing, but that's what it felt like, reading things "chronologically". Again, this isn't important, though.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    Why would i do a disguised poll for Bulbasaur hiding some real intentions?

    I guess not wanting to expose bias too much, but I'm not saying you're a criminal or anything, lol. Again, this isn't important in the slightest, so let's just not worry about it.
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."
    ZeraX7 10 hours ago#191
    Andrex_93 posted...
    I guess not wanting to expose bias too much

    Again no, and it's interesting that you remember ancient threads for that idea but you forgot this:

    As you can see, I don't need to make polls for things not stated or intended in the OP or hiding bias.

    It looks like you are one that quickly judge too lol
    The Best Pokemon ->
    Bulbasaur only solo-run progress:
    Andrex_93 10 hours ago#192
    ZeraX7 posted...
    Again no, and it's interesting that you remember ancient threads for that idea but you forgot this:

    I just didn't see that. And that is a clear and ironic way of displaying your opinion/joking, which is not what I'm talking about.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    As you can see, I don't need to make polls for things not stated or intended in the OP or hiding bias.

    I'm not saying that you necessarily need to.

    ZeraX7 posted...
    It looks like you are one that quickly judge too lol

    Nah, this was certainly a thing I saw overtime. It's not like I often tag users for just one thing, lol.
    "Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world."

    Can't we just stop this and agree to examine our posts throughly in the future as to not offend but still show love for our favorites? It's clear both of you are trying to be friendly about it and don't mean any harm, but this isn't really going anywhere.

    I usually stay outta this stuff, but well, Bulbasaur was my first starter so....yeah.(even though I've taken quite a liking to Blastoise recently).

    Since the beginning of the game. And you do everything she tells you for the entire game. In case you forgot, you even have a forced date scene with her in exeggutor island.

    As opposed to following the whim of middle aged men/women/elders to go fill out a picture book of animals and become champion just because.

    There's a point where you can take these things too far before people just start becoming disillusioned with you. Yeah, the game is Lille's story until the League, and I can deal with that. But Hau is the one with the love interest for Lille. The MC is just the best friend and was only ever portrayed as such.
    3DS Friend Code:0044 4173 2062
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    CuterChihuahua2 10 hours ago#194
    PkmTrainerAbram posted...

    As opposed to following the whim of middle aged men/women/elders to go fill out a picture book of animals and become champion just because.

    Nah, in the other games you do things because you want to (Well, you need to to progress, but you want to progress so...). In the other games you don't have anyone hounding you ass down to do anything. In this game we have Lillie.

    PkmTrainerAbram posted...
    Yeah, the game is Lille's story until the League, and I can deal with that.

    I wanted to play a pokemon game, not a dating sim were I'm the sidekick to Ohmori's waifu. That's just disrespectful from gamefreak peddling up trash like that and call it a pokemon game.

    PkmTrainerAbram posted...
    But Hau is the one with the love interest for Lille.

    He got cucked. (Also, it was just to further emphasize just how amazing Lillie is. See!!! Everyone literally loves her! Ain't you lucky to date such a goddess?)
    If you report my posts cuz you disagree or hate my sexual preferences then you are a H*CKING bigoted cuck.
    Trail Captain Lana is the love and light of my life.
    MysticKnives 5 hours ago#195
    Tappor posted...

    >praising masuda when he single handedly cruined oras

    FC: 4871 - 7420 - 6071 | IGN: Raimundo
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